Thursday, August 09, 2007

we're on the verge of becoming Kathleen Turner Overdrive

Obviously, High Fidelity is one of my favourite films; it's also one of my favourite books. It's remarkable not just because the film is just as touching and thought provoking as the book, but also because the story translates so well from North London to Chicago. Despite only being 7 years old, it seems a period piece in many ways - perhaps because the only record shops which specialise in vinyl in 2007 tend to be selling dance music. But it still speaks to the heart of masculine obsessive behaviour in a way which I would guess most blokes of a certain age would identify with (even blokes who haven't been dumped by 5 women - and certainly not by Catherine Zeta Jones).
So in honour of the BBC keeping me up way after midnight last night, here are my 10 all time favourite quotes from High Fidelity (leaving aside the obvious one).

Barry: Holy shite. What the fuck is that?
Dick: It's the new Belle and Sebastian...
Rob: It's a record we've been listening to and enjoying, Barry.
Barry: Well, that's unfortunate, because it sucks ass.

Rob: Liking both Marvin Gaye and Art Garfunkel is like supporting both the Israelis and the Palestinians.
Laura: No, it's really not, Rob. You know why? Because Marvin Gaye and Art Garfunkel make pop records.
Rob: Made. Made. Marvin Gaye is dead. His father shot him.

Barry's Customer: Hi, do you have the song "I Just Called To Say I Love You?" It's for my daughter's birthday.
Barry: Yea we have it.
Barry's Customer: Great, Great, can I have it?
Barry: No, no, you can't.
Barry's Customer: Why not?
Barry: Well, it's sentimental tacky crap. Do we look like the kind of store that sells I Just Called to Say I Love You? Go to the mall.

Barry: Rob, I'm telling you this for your own good, that's the worst fuckin' sweater I've ever seen, that's a Cosby sweater. A Cosssssssby sweater. Did Laura let you leave the house like that?

Barry: Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the 80s and 90s? Go... sub-question... is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away?

Rob: Where's Ian? Or Ray, or... what is his fucking name, anyway? What do you call him, Ian or Ray?
Laura: Ray. I hate Ian.
Rob: I hate him too.
Laura: Yeah... I'm sure.

Dick: I guess it looks as if you're reorganizing your records. What is this though? Chronological?
Rob: No...
Dick: Not alphabetical...
Rob: Nope...
Dick: What?
Rob: Autobiographical.
Dick: No fucking way.

Dick: Marie de Salle's playing. You remember I told you about her. I like her. She's kind of Sheryl Crow-ish crossed with a post-Partridge Family pre-L.A. Law Susan Dey kind of thing, but, you know, uh, black.

Rob: Should I bolt every time I get that feeling in my gut when I meet someone new? Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains.

Barry: How about the Jesus and Mary Chain?
Barry's Customer: They always seemed...
Barry: They always seemed what? They always seemed really great is what they always seemed. They picked up where your precious Echo left off, and you're sitting around complaining about no more Echo albums. I can't believe you don't own this fucking record. (tosses the record to the customer and walks away) That's insane. Jesus.

...and I've got Personal Services on the Sky box for later.

1 comment:

Tom said...

since your blog is named after a High Fidelity quote, let's take it as read that you are a big fan!
Some good quotes here, and it's definitely a film I could watch over and over again...

'Hey, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm certainly not the dumbest. I mean, I've read books like "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Love in the Time of Cholera", and I think I've understood them. They're about girls, right?'

'Don't tell anyone you don't own "Blonde on Blonde". It's gonna be okay...'

'I get by because of the people who make a special effort to shop here - mostly young men - who spend all their time looking for deleted Smith singles, and original - not rereleased, underlined - Frank Zappa albums. Fetish properties are not unlike porn. I'd feel guilty taking their money, if I wasn't... well... kinda one of them. '

there's also a bit in the book where they talk about Richard Thompson - 'has she got a friend for me?' which I think must mark it down as the only work of popular fiction to make reference to England's finest guitar player..