Monday, June 04, 2007

for the self assured I have no cure

I'm looking forward to Emma Pollock's first solo album - though I'm hoping that the combination of a quirky driving video and repetitive piano line in the single doesn't signal a tribute to Coldplay.

The other track avalable on her website - Limbs - is more reminiscent of the criminally underrated Delgados.


Tom said...

Seems to have taken a very long time for anyone to have emerged from the Delgados. Although less of a fan than yourself, I was very keen on what I had heard, mostly The Great Eastern album.

I think I saw them live once, in a now defunkt club in Nottingham, supporting the Wedding Present - probably in 1996-97??

Graham said...

I guess they've been busy with the label this year - Sister Vanilla album as well as the Ballads of the Book project, which has now spun off into various appearances at literary festivals. Peleton and Hate were my two favourite albums, but given that they were a Peel favourite (I bought Peleton on the back of the 1998 Festive 50), the Peel Sessions double album is probably definitive. They are a band I regret never seeing live; they played a series of gigs in Hammersmith (Lyric Theatre) shortly before they split, including one they only played stuff from their first three albums. I should have gone to that.