Saturday, June 23, 2007

in the midst of death we are in life

Now I know that at least one of this blog's readership has seen the last two episodes of The Sopranos, I feel free to talk about it (I've been holding this in for the last fortnight). If you don't want to know the score, look away now.

The further I get from the final episode, the more inspired the ending seems. Of course the ending took me by surprise – but then a final episode written and directed by David Chase was never going to be predictable. But I did have a moment when I thought the torrent must have failed right at the end. After the previous week's episode, being continually on edge as to who was going to die, and how (Phil's death was great, brutal and funny). The fact that it didn't all end neatly. What did Agent Harris mean - "Damn, we're gonna win this thing!" - were the Feds behind everything that has happened in this season? Or had he just become to closely involved? The scene at Satriales with Paulie sunbathing while the cat watched him, the dinner at Bobby's funeral straight out of the Godfather, the look on Carmella's face when Tony started talking to Anthony Jr's therapist, the sight of Uncle Junior at the end. All classic Sopranos.
Some great one liners:

JANICE "I'm afraid I have bad news. Bobby's dead"
UNCLE JUNIOR "Ambassador Hotel."

I love the subtle hint that the mafia shot Bobby Kennedy.

PAULIE "In the midst of death, we are in life. Heh? Or is it the other way around?"
MEADOW "I think it's the other way around."
PAULIE "Either version, you're halfway up the ass."

Anyone who thinks this isn't the end is very much deluded. Chase wants us to remain thinking through all the possibilities - and believe me, I've read some pretty wild theories in the last fortnight (doesn't the fact that I'm still obsessing over it, two weeks on, just say how perfect it is?). And besides, with Bobby, Chris and Phil dead, and Silvio in a coma, who's going to be in a film?

It may have struggled - particularly during seasons 4-5 - and the first half of season 6 was just weird. But it's still the best thing to have been on TV in the 21st century. Great article on the final episode here.

It seems somehow appropriate that we're off to see Alabama 3 in a fortnight. Tom, Jim and I were big fans of A3 long before they became synonymous with the Sopranos. Now is the time that we get right and repent.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Thanks foir posting the link to that interview, that was interesting. Over the weekend I was thinking about and perhaps favouring Theory 1, ie that Tony's life is frought with such paranoia that anyone entering the diner is a potential assassin...still churning it over!

I haven't been so excited and stimulated by a TV series for a very long time, and it will take another viewing of the latter part of Season 6 to get inside it. It was a terrific ending to the best TV Drama ever made.