Saturday, July 21, 2007

when you love someone but the thrill is gone

The Mercury Music Awards shortlist announced this week showed an all-time low score of two in albums I own; Arctic Monkeys - OK, but does nothing their debut failed to achieve (and I was tired of that by this time last year), and Amy Winehouse - a really enjoyable album - but not as enjoyable as the Lily Allen album the Arctics beat last year. Much of the rest, I'd either never heard of or wasn't interested by. The exception was Bat for Lashes - I'd at least heard a track of theirs (or, more correctly, hers) on a Mojo freebie a couple of months back. I thought she was an OK female singer song-writer; nothing remarkable, and recording under a really bad name - so looked no further. But since the critics say Ms. Khan (related to the Pakistani squash-playing dynasty) is the artist most likely to "do an Anthony", and having heard comparisons with Bjork and Kate Bush, I gave her another listen. And I have to say, I like it. Trophy, The Wizard, and Horse & I are all good tracks, but I'm particularly enjoying What's A Girl To Do?, with it's spoken lyric, reminiscent of Black Box Recorder, and it's totally insane video. Could be a winner.

1 comment:

Tom said...

That's terrific! Not heard it before. Bat For Lashes played the Green Man last year, but I missed them / her, which by the sound of this track was a big shame.

Hope she wins the MMP - I agree that the line up is rather tedious. I can't summon the enthusiasm to bother with the Arctic Monkeys, and their nomination seems utterly pointless. I like Amy Winehouse, and the Fionn Regan album is OK as far as it goes, not very original (neither is Amy) and the Young Knives are just annoying.